
Jo Dennis

I had the pleasure of first meeting Bryan in the early 90’s. 

In my role as the Sturt Zone Manager/Convenor for the Saturday Schools Football -SASFA- Bryan for 22 (1995-2016) out of my 30 years volunteered his time for 3/4 Saturdays each year to take each teams, (Year 2 – 5 and in the earlier years also the 6/7s), photos at the Lightning Carnivals. This could be up to 60 teams over the year. He only missed the odd day over these years and that was only if he had to take an official photo for some big news event.   

He always used to tell a hilarious story of how I got him to volunteer and how he lasted so long as the official photographer. We had many a laugh on these days and he and I together would have it organised with clockwork precision. Bryan although undertaking this as a volunteer still was the consummate professional and so woe betide any parent who tried to take a photo until he was finished. Bryan would then collate them all for me on a USB, I would collect the USB, have all the team photos developed, and then the School Delegates would paste them on to a Lightning Carnival certificate for presentation at the End of Season. Everyone really appreciated him doing this as well as all the players who were able to have a memento of their time playing School footy .

Bryan also for 10 years from 2006-2015 on one Sunday during winter would also volunteer his time for me to take the team photo/s of the Sturt Mini League Development Squad. This was also taken with precision clockwork. Greg who was one of the Coaches would invariably get told off by Bryan for mucking around, and told to behave so he could take the photo. He then with Denise’s assistance would organise the photo with all the names, email it to me so I could proof read, then once approved he would organise the photos to be printed for all the parents who wished to purchase, and it was always at cost price. Again all of us really appreciated Bryan undertaking this photo shoot for us. 

The photo shown is Bryan and Denise in September 2016 at the ‘Maid Hotel’ at our School Delegates and Officials ‘End of Season Thankyou Dinner’ where we presented Bryan with a glass plaque and probably a bottle of red!! Thank you again Bryan for all the years you volunteered I really, really appreciated it. I was looking forward to catching up with you for a coffee soon but unfortunately that is not to be. RIP. 

Greg and I send our sincere condolences to Denise, Daniel and Lauren and families. Our thoughts are with you. xx