
Frank and Lorna Baron


I have known Bryan since he came to London on a sabbatical from the Tizer and we have been friends ever since.

I visited him in Adelaide many times and remember especially when he invited me to the Toucan club for my birthday. Towards midnight the lights went out and a birthday cake appeared. I had a piece of cake and felt wonderful. Bryan offered me another piece with a very “Bryan”smile on his face, innocently I accepted. 
The next day I was covering cricket with Bryan at the Adelaide Oval, I didn’t take many pictures……


Bryan was not someone to sit around. When he and Denise  came to visit us a few years ago I happened to mention I wanted some vegetable planters, with that he had a plan and by the following day they were built.
We will miss you Bryan and wish we could have spent more time with you, we always had fun, you will leave a space in our lives