
Matt Vesely

I moved to Australia when I was three years old, and have known Daniel, Lauren, Denise and Bryan for almost as long.

Bryan and Denise’s home at Grandview Grove (and their frequent house at Carrickalinga) were a second home to me. I still have the wooden boat and the little table we made in his woodworking shed when we were 10 or so. 

Bryan was such a character – welcoming to me, of course, but also just a hilarious prankster, always messing with us. He was always an absolute favourite of all of our friends. There is so much of him in Daniel, and surely will be in little Angus.

We gave him a lot of grief over the years – but it was mischief he would always end up joining in on. Sure, we accidentally fired Daniel’s flammable potato cannon inside, but who was the guy firing it from the beach all the way back to the house? That was Bryan, of course. Fun was always the first and foremost priority. What a legend, who will be sorely missed.

Love to all the Charltons,
