
Milton Wordley

I was fortunate to work along side Bryan over many years, often for opposing media outlets, always great to be with. In later years we often talked about how good it was back then.

Yesterday I was in town and thought.

I’ll call into Parlamento restaurant opposite the Adelaide Railway Station and propose a toast to Bryan. Hanging there are what to me as an old Press Photog  are a few of the best Press images taken in the town : Bryan shot them, I often reminded Bryan of that when we met up.  It was closed but I shot an iPhone pic thru the window and raised a glass last night.

My son Sam, remembers doing work experience with him many years ago at the Tiser. Bryan had just got a laptop and they did the editing at our old local the ‘Duke of Brunswick’. Sam’s met a lot of old ‘TOGS’. He remembers BC very fondly and asked me to pass on his sincere condolences to the family and all who knew Bryan.

Out thoughts go out to Denise, Daniel and Lauren : you’re gunna miss him….